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The World Juniors

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Hey, all you hockey fans out there! What with the NHL on hold for who knows how long, I was wondering if any of you saw that the World Junior Hockey Tournament was going on over break. Whats the most interesting about it though, is that the tournament is being held in the town I go to college at--Grand Forks, ND. It's really kind of cool, I got to show some of my coworkers (in kansas) where the pep band (which I'm in) sits to play, where I fly some RC blimps at during intermissions, etc. Really cool :biggrin: So, make sure to watch some hockey, and think of me when you see how nice the arena is :biggrin:


P.S. The one I was watching a few nights ago was USA vs. Sweden. At the end of the 2nd period, it was 2-0 USA. In the first 5:20 of the third period, 7 goals were scored, making the score 5-4 USA :shok:

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I know the the Dutch team U20 is playing and winning games in Rumanian.


But what saw I yesterday evening?

A friendly game between Flyers Heerenveen vs Amsterdam Bulldogs.

Amsterdam won 2-3. :sad:

They had a NHL player in their team since last monday.

His name is Karl Dykuis and playing for Montreal Canadians. :)

He score the second goal for the Bulldogs.



I get a autograph of him on mine cap. A cap of the team Heerenveen, that is what I support. :clapping:




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