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Panama Red

Nieuport 24 Lewis

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Nieuport 24 Lewis

Nieport 24 Lewis v1.0 with 1 overhead Lewis and cockpit


Original N24 3D Model and clean skins by EmlD

FM by peter01

Ini file modification to N24_Lewis by Panama Red

29th Sqn. Skins and Decals by quack74

LeRhone9jb Sound by Nix

Testing by ojcar


This N24_Lewis was created so ojcar could use it in his FE2 Campaign Series.


The real RFC Nieuport 24 Lewis had a very short career on the Western Front before transfering to the Middle Eastern Front. Basicaly only one RFC squadron used it for any length of time on the Western Front, and that was the 29th Squadron from Nov 1917 to Feb 1918.


As a result, quack74 created this set of unique decals for all three flights of the RFC 29th Squadron. Included are two sets of skins, the default "dirty" set, and an alternate "clean" set for those who want a difference.


To install this package, do the following:



Install the N24_Lewis folder to your

.../Aircrafts directory

Install LeRhone9jb.wav to Sounds directory

Install Gunsite01 into WeaponData.Dat



Install the N24_Lewis folder to your

.../Aircrafts directory

Install N24_Lewis decals folder to your

.../Decals directory

Install LeRhone9jb.wav to Sounds directory

Install Gunsite01 folder into Weapons directory


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