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Panama Red

Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles 2

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Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles 2

For those who enjoyed my original Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles, this is an update for the newer First Eagles 2 game.


First Eagles 2 uses some particular EnvironmentSystem.ini parameters that are unique to FE2 versus FE1, SF1 or SF2, so it cannot simply be dropped into one of these other games.


This First Eagles 2 Sky Mod has the following corrections to the stock TW FE2 sky:

1. Realistic fluffy clouds

2. Eliminated the Overhead cloud triangles (when you fly above Overcast or Inclement clouds)

3. Minimized the low horizon band during dawn and dusk patrols

4. Realistic dark night


I have included the original Horizoncloud.tga’s from the first Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles, but this FE2 version works perfectly well with the stock TW FE2 Horizonclouds if you prefer a different horizon look.


I have tried to make this FE2 Sky Mod as “widesky” as possible, the down side is an occasional “popping” cloud in the distance. If I made the sky any further “widesky”, the clouds would constantly be “popping” in and out, so I stopped at the distance that I have in the mod, which is twice the stock TW distance.



The easiest way to install this mod (other than using the great JoneSoftGenericModEnabler tool (http://www.users.on....ucts-jsgme.html ), is to copy your “Flight” folder and rename it “Flight1”, then unzip all the included files into your original “Flight” folder.


The same credits for the Cloud.tga's and Horizoncloud.tga's still apply as in my original Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles (see original Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles readme).



Panama Red


Edited by Panama Red

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Very nice. Just i am not sure if there is rain visible with inclement. Broken and scattered are beautiful!

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I can see rain quit clearly in my inclement weather, in fact it is even heavier than the stock TW rain.


Try removing the InCloudEffect.ini file and see what happens.

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