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Caesar, I'm so sorry for the late reply! I really appreciate your help, but somehow or another my Strike Fighters 2 fixed itself, and it's working like a dream now. I really don't understand this game sometimes...lol. It's just finicky about what it does and how it does it, I guess. But at anyrate, I've been working on new videos for the Let's Play, and I already have Chapter 7 up, along with another random mission with no commentary, just music.


I dunno how it happened or why it seemed to work, but now I've got a Mercenary campaign running using the MiG-19 Farmer and no issues to report so far, knock on wood.


Thanks again for your help.

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Hero, just watched your latest (Mig-19, Red Squadron) video, lots of fun, very enjoyable. Couple of things, though. In your first engagement, when you said "I don't think this guy knows I'm here.", that is not the time to switch to guns, because, repeat after me: " The only time I will ever hit a target with an Atoll is if he doesn't know I'm there." Self explanatory, no? The other thing is, you are still just "chasing the cones", pulling on the pole and bleeding way too much energy in pure persuit. At about 23:30 in the video, you mention that flying the MiG-19 allows you to out-turn just about anything out there, just then one of those "heavy American fighters" pulls and flies right out of your field of view. The reason why the SuperSabre is able to do that lies in the fact that you were looking at his aircraft from almost a right angle; almost a full plan view, as it were. Whenever you are looking at an enemy aircraft from that aspect, that close, it's a dead giveaway that you cannot get on his tail just by pulling harder. You could be flying a TIE Fighter and it still wouldn't work! That's why the series of articles I suggested to you that you didn't read :big_boss: is called "It's all a matter of perspective", IT IS. Everything in the game of WVR aerial combat is about what you're looking at, and more importantly, how you're looking at it. Listen, I really enjoy your videos, (I don't even know how to make those :blackeye: ) but you will enjoy making them alot more if you don't have to say "I'm probably going to die before this is over." in every one. Read those articles! I can't stress how much better a sim pilot they will make you. Alright, I'll shut up now, keep up the good work!

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