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In the SF2 series where are the pilot pictures located? Does anybody know. In WO legacy you could add your own photos.

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They go in the PilotData folder.


In pilot DATA you have saved pilots and their campaigns, no pics.

Edited by MAKO69

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In pilot DATA you have saved pilots and their campaigns, no pics.


You can add pilot pics there (not save) exactly as in SF-1/WOx serie ... :bye:

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so i´m also new to this topic i didn´t do it in the legacy series so additional questions:

should they (the pics) be in a special format or something else?

how to name them?

are some ini entries neccessary?

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there's a buttload of pilot pics someplace in the 1stGen D/L section, all set up for use

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there's a buttload of pilot pics someplace in the 1stGen D/L section, all set up for use

I was looking to add my own photos from back in the day, Dave set me straight once again I was looking in the wrong place thinking old school legacy Wings Over series. Forgot it was way easier.

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so i´m also new to this topic i didn´t do it in the legacy series so additional questions:

should they (the pics) be in a special format or something else?

how to name them?

are some ini entries neccessary?


SF2 with latest patch (July 2012)

the pic window is square, and big pics are resized iirc.. use 128x128, 256x256 pixel format, both JPG and BMP work

name - anything goes, if you use PilotPic01-34 they will overrule the default pics

no ini stuff required

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