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I have two Evga gtx680's with 2gb each in Sli mode and 16gb of installed memory,Even if the cards could'nt handle all of it,It would use system memory at that point.I think? You know what's weird is only difference I see in the ones that have gunsights is that I did'nt delete the stock aircraft you get when you set up a mod. :biggrin: ?

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Well,I added some stock aircraft back to my MTO,PTO and got gunsights back!I dunno why,But has'nt worked in my Russia install probably cause I wiped out everything non appropriate to install before I added my WW2 planes.I think maybe you still have to keep some Stocks with cockpits to avoid this.

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we've also noticed that very same issue with the "automatic rewirtes" the game engine preforms at illogical, irrational and random intervals


I've left one Skyhawk and one MiG in all my WW2 mods folders, and haven't had it recrate the modern aircraft for almost 4 months now (knocks wood)


just another piece of oddness!!

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