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Burma Terrain,I think the British took it with them on retreat.

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Hi,Your WW2 problem child here: I have installed per directions China,Burma in a mod.China is fine,But Burma has missing tiles,Now I dont know if this was done to confuse the advancing Japanese or just me?Do I need to put a copy of the GermanyCE terrain in the same Terrains folder? I think It references that,And will the SF2 version Stand in ok for that?Or WTF can I do to get this to work?Sorry I feel better now.Please help me Mr Wizard. :biggrin:

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should reference VietnamSEA.cat, as that's the tile set called for in the data ini, and the Burma.ini cat pointers...





















needs a MAJOR overhaul....just ain't enough days in the year!!!

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So........Do I need to put a copy of that in the terrains folder?And should I use the sf1 vietnam sea cat I suppose which would be better because I still have that.And that will fix the missing tiles thing?over. :blink: Your sure about that,Cause I went into mine and the GermanyCe was selected when I checked it?

Edited by usafphantom2

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I swapped mine over, even though the tiles are INSIDE my terrain folder. one day, I have to rebuild it as I really screwed mine up!!!


you CERTAINLY can use the SF1 VitenamSEA cat in SF2 (or any other 1stGen terrain). The only thing you'll need to do is extract the terrains data ini, place in a new VietnamSEA terrain folder WITHIN the mods folder's /Terrains folder and edit the shader lines to match the SF2 versions.


put the VietnamSEA.cat in with the other terrain cats in you 'core files' in the


C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Terrains




if you've got trouble with that, PM me and I'll shoot you my data ini


(of course, this assume you don't have SF2:V)

Edited by Wrench

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I do have SF2V if i use that,Then what would I Have to do.......Just change the cat pointer to my default SF2 directory?And....................?Over.

Nurse scalpel please.Beep beep beep.

Edited by usafphantom2

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just change the cat pointer. (provided you DON'T alrady have the tiles in the terrain folder)

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easyer way just exetrac all title from you VietnamSea cat file and drop them in the Burma folder

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Yup!,That worked,Dumped Vietnam Sea terrain into Burma folder and changed the Cat pointer in Burma.ini to Vietnam Sea.Thanks Alot Guys! :biggrin:

Edited by usafphantom2

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