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how do cut door and control surfaces but mostly doors in 3d max whiout using Boolean or Proboolean?

im sick of losing time whit defromes on render after cutting some are not fixble any help please

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I havent found a solution for this. I m creating parts that match the form of the door or window and cutting exactly around it. or just cut freehand and adjust the numbers of the xyz coordinates to match it symetrical for both sides.


Im reworking each vertice per hand to have all sides equal.

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I've been Resetting XForm on the mesh I want to cut (Fuselage) and the cutting tool mesh (box01),setting the pivotpoint to (center of object) on each and then using Procutter, The results are good (some extra vertex's some times) Works real good on open mesh's.


This is the cargo compartment cut on my P-40E. Hope This is some help.



Edited by RAVEN

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