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I´ve experienced some issues at the time of loading the missions in some terrains, like Norway, Snowy Norway and Black sea, i posted this in the SF1 without realize it, so if an admin can delete that post i will appreciate it, i was told to check the cat file and it´s right, so if you have more ideas, i will be thankful :)

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could you be more specific as to the problem?? what exactly is happening?


the 2 norwary terrains are, well, crap at best....black sea works ok (have to check again, been a while)

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Oh i thought the images were loaded, the thing is, i can create the mission, but after the loading time, instead of the plane showing in the runway all i have is what it´s shown in the pic below and it happens 50-50 of the times:


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like your stuck at one of The Walls, right??


it's happening to a LOT of terrains, and all of a sudden. same as the 'waypoint down at the lower left corner' issue. Don't know what it is, but seem releated to the movement ini (at least as my testing on the ww2 New Guinea seemed to indicate)

Methinks something, in some dll when to s**t all of a sudden.


Test for this on ALL terrains; preferably ones that are more geophysiclly correct than the norways

Edited by Wrench

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In other words, i have to learn to live with it or not using that terrain no more, right?

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depends on how fond you are of the terrain! :biggrin:


try an experiment --and this WILL be a lot of work (and that I mean!).

rename & backup the original movements ini, and create a new one. keep the upper section, as that defines the 'front line' dividing red & blue exmaple (from Waterworld):



FriendlyBase=Levu Vana









delete all the other routes


have at least 1 each, for both sides,

shipping routes

truck routes

ground attack routes


keep them near the middle 2/3s of the map.

see if the problem persists.


like I say, this is a random f***up that just been appearing (to my notice) over the last 4-5 months (or I just was too selfinvolved TO notice it before!) And it's only on 3rdparty terrains. Which leads me to belive it's in an ini somewheres, as opposed to a dying terrain engine dll or other core file.

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I've seen this happen on the GermanyCE map as well as third party terrains. Whenever it happens, I've found that the problem is always a situation in which the mission generator selects one friendly air base for the player to fly from but which the game effectively rejects once the mission starts. For example, the friendly air base is either past the wall, on the wrong side of the front line, or in some other way not usable.


The key is identifying the problem base. That means that when you're using a terrain that is known to exhibit this problem, check the planning map at the start of every mission and note what base you're flying from. Then, if you encounter the problem, start checking the TARGETS.INI, the MOVEMENT.INI, and the TYPES.INI for potential problems.


I've generally resolved these problems by rendering bases non-functional -- that is, remarking out the AirfieldDataFile= line for that base and even replacing the Runway item specified with custom MISC (i.e., non-RUNWAY) item that uses the same LOD (so that the base still looks intact).


That's been my experience at any rate.


Eric Howes

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MOST interestering!!

thanks Eric!! Things to remember, and check over!


since the ability to move "The Wall" got locked out, methinks that might be part of the problem; as you say, bases too near The Wall.

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