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Hey,Just threw this idea out at the DEV site for discussion and will probably get a less than favorable response, So I thought I'd give you guy's a shot at me too.We have. Iceland terrain,We have the Open Water terrain.We could use a Norway Terrain with Fjord's like Wrench mentioned and west coast of UK.We have some RN ships. And. Would eventually need Kreigsmarine capital ships.We have Cargo ships for convoy's and some U-boats. Condor attacks from Norway,Maybe a battle to take Iceland, CAM Fighters for covering convoys or escort carriers,RN Liberators ,Catalina's,Hudson's prowling the water's for U-boats or surface raiders,Maybe the Graf Zeppilin comes out to fight.Also can use North Sea from Fe2.I'm not suggesting new work,just want to gauge any interest in something like this,We have a good bit to start with.Thanks for your reply's and remember not the face!

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Also can use North Sea from Fe2


no, we can't.

it's ALL ocean, and as FE exceedingly small for the "radius of action" required for WW2 NA, simply won't fit the bill.


now, given the Atlantic has a surface area of 106 MILLION square KM, the region we'd need, not counting those parts of the Arctic Ocean, my guesstimate would be ~ 20 million square km, as outlined in green below (mind you, terrains have to be square, so add more Greenland to the west -which can be ignored)

So, my guesstimate of 2500 km per side (which may be to small by a factor of 10; maybe 3500km per side would be better).... may still give us a map with the "usual" issues of scale; even at 1:1 (as opposed to the standard 63% size). And the TE has "problems" with higher latitudes (Mercator distortions)


I can't even begin to imagine the sheer amount of time to tile; let alone to build target areas for the thing with any amount of accuracy.


oth, it would be a great Cold War map as well, modeling the GIUK gap


 still, not something I'd want to attempt, even if I could get the frakking TE to accept the DEM without crashing (provided one of proper scale could be located)

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No I meant smaller individual maps for each action or area,Yeah the whole thing is impossible on that scale.So with that being the case smaller maps in each action area is more or less possible? Much like the PTO mod.Was only an idea anyway.Still we could have a what if Iceland with ships we have?

Edited by usafphantom2

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