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Offline group campaigns?

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Hi all!!


~S! It's been a while since I was on here, so fist off glad to be back!


I have been flying a ton of IL2 lately and saw on M4T that someone was asking about a campaign style that I saw on here and don't know where to look now that there has been some serious reorganizing that happened at some point. The campaign was different. Someone would say "We are gonna run a cmapaign on this map", then next would come the mission, the writer would say "we are going to bomb so and so, and there are going to be X of this plane, y of those planes, X does this job, Y does this one, etc"....Then people were writing in on the thread saying they would fly x and do x's prescribed mission, and then report back and post back to the thread. After everyone wrote their part of the mission in then next mission was posted, and people would go and fly a small part and report back, it was different, and a guy on M4T was wondering how it went. Kinda sounded like he wanted to start somehting like that for the IL2 crowd.


Anyone remember hwo to do this or where I can find teh old thread that had this?


Thank for you for any and all help!



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