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Successful intercept /Mig-21MF on US forces(pics)

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Ok here is a step by step look on how to successfully intercept an incoming raid by US forces if you are flying for the VPAF. I have read a few times that surviving as a VPAF pilot is almost impossible in this game. The series up coming lessons will hopefully disprove that. I fly on all HARD settings.


I used a Mig-21MF from the 1/921st regiment in the up and coming Aces over North Vietnam Campaign.


I will include tips at the end of the presentation but will focus on the most important thing which is the intercept itself.


You must I repeat you must use the map liberally. For anyone who thinks this is unfair I point out , that it is included in the game as a situational awareness tool and the GCI of the VPAF (Ground Control Intercept) was historically phenomenal.


I have successfully taken off and I am on the way to the intercept. Ground control makes me aware that they have bandits on their radar. I check the map and see the following:




There is an incoming raid, most likely the first aircraft are fighter escort sent in to clear the way.


I am flying from the cockpit of course (if not I would crash) but momentarily check the map for positioning. Here I make a hard left and accelerate using afterburner. The escorts GCI has spotted me as well and they turn to meet me.




I continue to accelerate and drop a bit to gain even more energy. I have now successfully separated myself from the escorts and the hunt begins.




The intercept has gone very well and I used my eyes to spot flak burst and locate the enemy flight visually. I also hit the T key so that I may now orientate myself properly (what planes are we attacking) and so that I may use the pad lock key to close in on my target.




Here the first A-4 erupts from an Atoll missile.




The second A-4 erupts from another Atoll, I have not slowed down a bit and I maintain full energy as I accelerate past the flight. DO NOT EVER LOSE ENERGY ON THE INTERCEPT that is fatal. If you can not set up properly and your speed is too great, well then too bad, live to fight another day, blast past the enemy flight and don?t look back, do not turn, do not slow down, head for home, the intercept is blown. That was not the case this time. Notice how we have maintained flight integrity. All flight members are still together. Try to not hit ?engage air? to soon , as the other members might go ?Rambo? on you and head for another flight. The only time you let them loose is when all bets are off and the enemy fighters have successfully gotten in your way. If this happens, YOU MUST deal with the enemy fighters. I will talk about that in the follow up lesson(just check this thread at a later date). I have numbered the flight members in the picture below.




One last point to drive home. Once you have the "mission is a success" signal (or failure) or for that matter you blew the intercept, calmly send everyone home. Light afterburner and get as low as you can possibly go. I have avoided and survived Sparrow and Aim missle shots at the end of an intercept by getting low. Also you draw the enemy over your own AAA and SAMs. I will post pictures on how that works in another segment (just check this thread at a later date).


So now I got home, the entire flight intact, avoided the dreaded Phantom Js that were lurking. Got two of the enemy (ground fire got a third and helped with the mission being successful) and completed a successful intercept.


Flying with a Mig-21 in the late war environment is tough but with discipline you can be successful.

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