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Guest IndioBlack

Phoenix Missile problem with F-14a

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Guest IndioBlack



I've been putting some F-14a missions together for STRIKE FIGHTERS but cannot get the aim-54a Phoenix to show on the weapon list.


If I use the CREATE MISSION tool and select the F-14a Tomcat, then go to LOADOUT, the aim-54 Phoenix shows up and can be placed on the racks.


If I build a mission myself and set the weapon loadout to AirToAirLongRange, or AirToAir for that matter, then go into STRIKE FIGHTERS and select LOAD MISSION and then go to LOADOUT, the aim-54 Phoenix is not available.


I have STRIKE FIGHTERS patched up to 3, the F-14a Tomcat from here, and the very latest WEAPONS PACK from here which I downloaded a couple of days ago.

I checked the Weapons files and the aim-54a is in there, and I checked the F-14a files and it has hardpoints for the Phoenix.


Has anyone else got the Phoenix to show up in their own missions? I'm obviously missing some fine detail here that's causing its omission. It's not date sensitive is it? Like some weapons don't show if your mission date is too early? I'd better check that, but otherwise would appreciate any advice.



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Guest IndioBlack

Well whaddya know - it is date sensitive!

I just changed the mission date from 1968 to 1978 and there's the Phoenix showing up perfectly in the mission I created.


Thanks guys, I never would have sorted this if I hadn't talked it through. :cool:

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Guest IndioBlack
Self-healing problems, my favorite kind!  :good:


The thing is, as I was typing the question, I suddenly thought of an answer that I hadn't tried and which might work. Rather than abort my question and test my theory first, I decided to let the question stand. That way, at least, if my new found theory then worked, there was some hope that it might help someone else who came across the same problem and who then searched the board with a "phoenix" query just like I had done.

So you're right, self-healing is terrific, but I'm glad I shared it, even if it did make me look a bit of a fool.

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