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Going out on a limb...

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Relying on my razor-sharp intuition, I'm going to out on a limb here and predict that we'll have WOFF for Christmas.

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Which Christmas?   2013 or 2014?   hehe  j/k


I hope you are right and it is very reassuring to know that WOFF is in :beta:  but don't forget a lot depends on the distribution model as well.   If they go with a DVD format, once the sim is finished we don't know how long it might take to get all those discs made along with all the packaging.   If it's a purely download format well that might be a different story.  

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I'm torn here regarding distribution method. On the one hand, if they release on DVD it will undoubtedly take longer before it's made available. On the other hand, with my internet speed it will probably take me longer to download than if I waited for a DVD to be cut, ordered and delivered to my door. On the other hand, if it's a DVD I'll need to have it in the computer while I play and risk losing or damaging it. On the other hand, if it's a download it could simply disappear into the ether. On the other hand...

OMG, I've run out of hands. Not only that, but apparently I'm channelling Tevye.

(walks away humming "Tradition")

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Tough call.  If after downloading it WOFF is everything I hope it is, I'll probably buy the DVD version as well both as insurance for myself and to say "thank you" to the Devs for sticking with the development of WOFF despite the naysayers and the personal challenges.  I'm not suggesting or even recommending anyone else do that.  It's just a personal choice I've decided to make if WOFF turns out to be all that I hope it will be.

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Nice one, Lou.


I confess, 'naughty list' is a probable. Naughty STEP I hope to avoid, especially as... It wasn't me.


And... on the other point... I've just today bought a house that genuinely has 'one long staircase just going up...' :biggrin:

Edited by Dej

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Thanks Dej, but I say "bah" to those stairs.  If I were a rich man I'd buy a house with either elevators or escalators.  No, wait, both ... and SLIDES!


To all who many not remember it, I went searching and found the original posting of the Santa letter from little Louie: http://combatace.com/topic/57929-what-id-like-to-see-in-phase-iv/page-2?do=findComment&comment=431976

It was so long ago I had to repair the image link as the address had changed.


Is this the letter I once scribbled?

Did I think I could draw at all?

Sunrise, sunset,

Sunrise, sunse...Dammit, now you've got me doing it von Baur!


To the discussion about offering WOFF as either a download or a DVD, I would likely do the same as Hellshade and grab it immediately via the download, then purchase the disc to further thank the dev team with my wallet.



Oh, and by the way, it was you Dej.



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Tough call.  If after downloading it WOFF is everything I hope it is, I'll probably buy the DVD version as well both as insurance for myself and to say "thank you" to the Devs for sticking with the development of WOFF despite the naysayers and the personal challenges.  I'm not suggesting or even recommending anyone else do that.  It's just a personal choice I've decided to make if WOFF turns out to be all that I hope it will be.


That's exactly what I plan to do too. :hyper:

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I'll probably buy the DVD version as well both as insurance for myself and to say "thank you" to the Devs for sticking with the development of WOFF despite the naysayers and the personal challenges. 

I'll second that! I've already bought a couple as gifts. A couple more won't strain the exchequer

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Huh! Christmas! Santa Claus! Gifts and presents!

Still believe in that child stuff?

Real amateurs you are! I have let printed 20.000 copies of my wish list

and sent them to the North Pole - THAT'S how to boost chances!


Edited by Olham

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Real amateurs you are! I have let printed 20.000 copies of my wish list

and sent them to the North Pole - THAT'S how to boost chances!

...then recite your list into a video camera and post it on YouTube. That way, Santa will know that everybody else knows and if he doesn't come through for you, he's going to look really bad and folks will stop believing. And if he doesn't, maybe sympathetic viewers will.

Edited by Hauksbee

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