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Wrong tanks on F-4 after skin DLC

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I have a full merged install of all titles and expansion packs at the current patch level. I have a few mods installed, but no skins or weapons packs. The only thing I've modified on the F-4's is the loadout.ini, but I'm pretty sure I'm still calling out the correct tanks (Tank370_F4 and TANK600_F4).

After installing the USAF F-4 skin DLC, I noticed that my F-4 in SEA camo had the solid green tanks from the Euro camo showing in game. Is this supposed to happen? Is there something I can do to prevent it?  Or did I screw something up?

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rename the loadout ini, see what happens. also, if by chance you have an older (and possibly outdated) data ini, do the same to that.

then, check in game as to what shows up.


happens all the time....

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Silly me.  Got it figured out.  My F-4's are defaulting to SEA Wrap Around skins (not sure if those were there before or are part of the DLC.  Sure would be nice if TK told you somewhere exactly what you're buying...) which use solid green drop tanks.  If I switch to a regular SEA scheme, I get the green/white tanks again.

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yes, because that's how the game is coded


the tanks, as you know are PART of the aircraft's lod. if you were to go into the objects cat that has the rhino skins, you'll find a separate droptank skin within each one. think of it sorta like windows OLE; it's all designed to match each other


if you want a specific skin as first choice, it 's a simple text edit of the main ini (has been since the games came out in 2003)

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Thanks Wrench.  I was aware of most of that already, but a refresher is always helpful.


What confused me was that I didn't realize the DLC had installed (or that I was using) a SEA Wrap Around skin.  So, I thought I was using the regular SEA skin and was expecting the regular SEA green and white tanks.  When I saw the solid green tanks, I assumed the sim was loading the tank skins for the Euro camo when the jet used the SEA skin.  Once I realized it was a SEA Wrap Around skin, it made complete sense.


All straightened out now!

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