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SF2 WW2 F-6D (RF-51D) Mustang Skin/Decal Pak

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SF2 WW2 F-6D (RF-51D) Mustang Skin/Decal Pak

SF2 WW2 F-6D (RF-51D) Mustang Skin/Decal Pak 12/05/2013


-- Something for the WW2 players --


= For SF2 =ONLY=, Full-5 Merged, plus ExPak 1 (Reccomended/Preferred) =


*Note: must have the SF2I Expansion Pak (whichever one gave us the Mustang) in your Merged Installs, due to this aircraft referencing the Stock 3rd Wire Mustang serial number decals*


A simple reskin for the KAW Era RF-51D, creates a "Plane Jane" F6D Mustang for WW2 usage. The aircrat has no squadron or other type of markings. This makes it usable in any theatre. However, it should be noted, SOME units did have their own markings. Consider THIS skin for exactly what it is: Generic ™


To be used on the KAW RF-51D; the aircraft is available at the following URL:




Like the original, it uses DDS textues, and will NOT work in any 1stGen game installs at all.

This skin uses the "StartDefaultDate=" statement, so as to start in 1944 (aircraft's default in service year).

National markings are painted on; decal randomization (for the serials) is TRUE


When in game, you'll see:


"Natural Metal (WW2)


on the skin selection drop down menu.


REMINDER: you MUST have the RF-51D installed BEFORE installing this skinpak. See "To Insall" for more details


As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!


Good Hunting!!


Kevin Stein

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