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Navalising a terrain ?

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I have the NA module and I just want carrier operations in Single missions AFAIK that would require a Water.bmp file to modify but I can't seem to find one in the terrain file....so I am technically asking if the author of the terrain is willing to upgrade the terrain to SF-2NA standard ?

Edited by il2crazyfan

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gerwin's tfd tool exports water bmps. I use it all the time for that.



caveat: the Madagascar terrain has a SERIOUSLY fucked up height field. the odds are, it will NOT generate a proper _water.bmp. You'd be best advised to make a copy of one of the planning maps, and using the propoer colors (in index NOT RGB!!!), paint the land water the relevant colors. (maybe planningmap3, and resize to 512x when done)


in short: the terrain has major issues. modify at one's own risk

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