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Operation Ellamy , British Helicopters pack

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Still modding a lot my original Operation Oddysey Dawn MOD, now with British Apache Helicopters.







That's all , hope you like. Does any of you know where I can find an eurocopter Tiger? Thank you.






Edited by cangas

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Capun site have one, but then you can't include it on the download (you can point users there). But shouldn't those Apache be Longbow ones?

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Capun site have one, but then you can't include it on the download (you can point users there). But shouldn't those Apache be Longbow ones?

I see (About the Tiger)  Longbow? Well.... I've just used the first Apache I found and made the Skin..... I will research more deeply and I'll upload the Helicopter if it were needed. Thanks for the info Stratos.

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