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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

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Edging Toward WOFF

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Well, I have my second hard drive installed.  I have a clean version of VISTA installed on it. I have installed WOFF and the computer appears to be trying to run a WOFF campaign (and basic CFS3 for that matter).  This is all good.

Now I can justify upgrading the graphics card because ours is currently 0.5GB.  I also only have 4GB RAM but that will have to wait a little while. 

The fact that WOFF/CFS3 will run with a clean install of VISTA supports the suggestion that it was a Microsoft security update that caused our computer to reject everything CFS3 based last autumn.

One person who had experienced the same problems as me suggested that an update had effectively told VISTA to ignore all DLL files over a certain age.

This suggestion is supported by the fact that last night I managed to install WOFF on the new hard drive, but with the old updated version of VISTA running (because I am not used to having two hard drives/operating systems; was tired; and am a dumbass) and it gave me 'library not registered' error messages that are apparently caused by principal DLL files not registering, according to the Microsoft official site.


So I intend to avoid updating the clean install if at all possible.  I have already told it not to automatically update.  At worst, as it is on a different hard drive to the rest of the family's files, I can wipe it and start again if needs be without losing their stuff.



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