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VEAO Warbirds Collection

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VEAO announced "Warbirds Collection":


Announcement: DCS Warbirds Collection

VEAO Simulations Ltd, London, 22nd April 2014.
VEAO Simulations are pleased to announce that we are in contract to develop the “DCS Warbirds Collection” for the DCS World flight simulator.
For the first iteration, the following aircraft modules are being developed:
HA-112 Hispano Buchon
Supermarine Spitfire Mk XIV
Curtiss P-40F
All aircraft will have the External Flight Model (EFM) and Advanced Systems Modelling (ASM) to DCS fidelity standards. As with all of our modules, we will develop these aircraft to military specifications.
The modules in the collection will be released separately, as they are developed, and will be sold for $39.99 each. 
We expect the first module to be ready at the end of this year (Q4 2014) with the remaining modules expected for release up to Q2 2015.
Future aircraft in the collection are being discussed, as well as terrain maps, and further details will be announced at an appropriate time.
A separate team is working on these modules which will not affect development of any current module.
We would like to thank the Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics for their continued support, as well as you, the community, for the overwhelming support you give us.
Chris and the VEAO team.



Edited by SilverDragon

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Brochute VEAO Warbirds Collection


As with the Hawk brochure for Legends this weekend, here is the Warbirds Collection one.
Please note, aircraft you see on the brochure are still very much WIP and obviously we will update the brochure to reflect the four aircraft mentioned when we have them in-sim.
This brochure is specifically for Legends and not the final one.

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Thanks for sharing, SilverDragon.


ED should pay you since you're the only person I see who shares ED, partner, and 3rd partie updates on multiple message boards!

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