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I'm also betting that EDGE/2.0.0 is delayed, since it looks like the MiG-21 is being packaged for the 1.2.x version of DCS now.


They appear to have the graphic engine working, and the delay appears to be in integration.  I say "take your time and do it right" on this, as it will make for fewer headaches down the road.

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 I say "take your time and do it right" on this, as it will make for fewer headaches down the road.


Couldn't agree more, ED needs to make sure it's optimized, all the new pretty features and the move to DX11 IMO are worthless if we get the same FPS results as the current engine.  I've been waiting for EDGE/Nevada for over 3 years a few months or so won't hurt. 

Edited by paulrkiii
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I was also thinking about some of the little details like textures that are stock now and will look out of place in other theaters.  For example, the list of Caucasus frequencies in the Ka-50 cockpit would be better served using a common texture name that is theater dependent.  That, and even something as simple as making the default pilot in Nevada wearing a desert flightsuit instead of forest green, and leaving it open for other theaters.  Whether it's as simple as creating a "TempTextures" in each theater folder for default overwrites, or whether more needs to be done for tighter integration is stuff that should ideally be solved up front.

Edited by HomeFries

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Hah, DCS:W is not a combat flight sim, it is a patience training app  :biggrin:


Seriously though, kidding aside, there is probably a buttload of content they need to tweak to make it look right in the new rendering enviroment. As the mig-21 decs said, updating the textures was surprisingly much work, and that is one product.

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I just upgraded my main rig, now I got a nice i5 4670K, Z87 mobo and GTX760, finally can play DCS:W for the first time (even tho I have owned A-10C, Black Shark 2 and FC3 for a long time), and I am enjoying myself. But the real revolution will be when the new map tools will be released, hopefully to the general public. And from what I understand it, EDGE should alleviate FPS problems and allow for even nicer scenery. 


But like most people here, I hope for more cold war stuff. Still, it aint looking bad, I mean soon we have Su-25A, MiG-29A/S and MiG-21bis flyables so there is at least a good amount of Soviet VVS aviation of the 80s represented!


And yes, if there was a good, concerted effort by the modders here to have a go at creating a DCS module I would be game, but the dev time does seem to be unreal... And we would still need experienced LUA scripters and probably a C++ coder too.


If I was ED I would really look at releasing all the source files for some older aircraft like the MiG-29A so you could just fill in the blanks to create new flyables... I am not very familiar with what is out there though.



PS. While I understand it from a financial aspect, I hate that they had to start going down the WW2 route. Seriously, there are so many quality simulations done of that period, can we please stop already? Just my opinion, so agree to disagree...


I support that.


The DCS: MiG-21 bis, is a very promising chosen path already.


However, something like for ex.a realistically featured MiG-29 A, with the various avionics systems represented - like the Shchel-3UM (Helmet Mounted Sight), would really be outstanding.


For example, titles like BMS Falcon and DCS: Black Shark, are already portray those kind of features VERY realistically.


The theatre of operations / scenario / plot, could well be related to the "Iron Curtain", an international conflict somewhere above the East / West Germany of the 80's.

Edited by Boresight

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