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"CV-41, , Gulf of Tonkin" - "USS Midway" missing

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When starting a new campaign in the SF2V Vietnam Expansion Pack (not the latest version, I must admit), there is a bit of info missing, I would like to add...


I selected VF-161 aboard USS Midway in a Linebacker II-campaign in 1972. Now when the screen appears "setting the scene" in the beginning (y'know: the typewriter-intro), it reads I am with VF-161 aboard "CV-41" but instead of naming "USS Midway" right afterwards, I am getting just these two ",," - so there seems text missing in some .ini!?


Where can I look for and add that???


Thanks for your guidance.


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NECROPOST .......im getting this same issue, im wondering if their is a value in the start text for carrier

currently its set to read as "elements of U) equipped with A) have arrived at B)" where the game replaces U) with the unit A) with the Aircraft and B) with the base

but a carrier isn't recognised as a base for some reason so we get this issue

otherwise the only work around is to edit the star text to read something else instead of the base part, and point the carrier based units to this file in the campaign.ini

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