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Gun camera footage app for SF1 and WOV (works!)

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Found this while lurking at UBI forums and downloaded it from a link at airwarfare.com


it is a gun camera activator that works with all flight sims, anyone here try it before?




I got it to work in about 15 minutes, this is very cool. I can also make it super smooth, change resolutions, make it black and white, make it look old (the program allows you to create it anyway you want to make it look real.



EDIT (I was testing the VPAF campaign I'll post MIG kills later)










Here is Korea with special effects. The final moments of a MIG-15. I had to remove some frames to get it under 1MB for photobucket to properly host it. The unedtied one was 2.87MB and was much better, but you get the idea...



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