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SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack

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Hi all,


Newbie so please take it easy :)


I want to install the SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack (infact I just tried). I purchased the required SF2, SF2V, and SF2E, all online downloadable. They are all in one Thirdwire/Strikefighters folder with three separate exes. The problem is I never saw a mod folder anywhere. The instructions for the expansion say to put all these files in the generated mod folder. It said it should be in " \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam\" but there was no such folder there, nor in the actual game directory. I just created a "mod" folder in the above directory and went through the entire install putting the "toModfolder" files into this created folder. Just opened the SF2V game and I don't notice anything different. So my question is, where is this mod folder, I'm assuming that's where I went wrong? So confused..


Thanks for your help.

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Well, I went back and tried one thing and I got it! Just went into the options.ini file and pointed it to my mod folder that I moved to my main SF2V folder. It works now :)

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You need to run each exe 1st,then look in the .......users\name\saved games\3rdwire\SFwhatever\

and you will get the basic folders,you need then to add missing folders.

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I'd recommend spending some time in our SF2 Knowledge Base.

This thread below is about the Mods Folder




and welcome!

Well that link explained it! Thanks for that and thank you to the others who responded. I don't know how I have it up and running considering I didn't understand the mod folder concept. Something tells me I don't have a stable install and I should redo it now that I've got a better understanding. Thanks again.

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