Wrench 10,037 Posted February 1, 2015 The first thing to figure out is the type of missions being installed. In the example(s) I'll be using are Combat mission. However, those that are Training are the same. The only thing I'm not fully clear on, is how to add them for Campaign or Battle (which are different, as the stock ones are playable from BOTH Rebel and Imperial sides) So, lets assume you've got a "single player" Combat mission set for the Rebel Alliance. We'll use the Headhunter TOD as the example. (and more Combat sets ARE coming!). As I use a 'folderized' mods add on, we'll skip the addition of the new mission folders (a simple copy/paste operation) to the main /Combat folder. I'm using the new, recently released GoG versions, but the Original CD versions file structure is 100% identical, so these would apply there as well. All mission set that I'll be uploading are for use in the BoP environment, as it added many 'new' ships to game. Go to your Star Wars - XvT / BalenceOfPower/Combat folder. Inside, you'll find 3 lst (or list) files. These are the controlers, so to speak, as they contain -in numerical, sequential order- the location(s) and names of the missions, both stock and add-on. In each of the mission type folders (Train, Combat, Battle, Campaign) are these 3 files. They are: Imperial.lst (contains listing for Imperial players) MIssion.lst (contains listing of ALL mission, for both sides) Rebel.lst (contains listing for Rebel Alliance players) Below is an example, from the stock, mission.lst [balance of Power]//168BRAW10.tieAttack on Imperial Convoy near Mylok178BMEW05.tieTwo on Two - Alliance CRLs vs Imperial STRKCs188BMEW04.tie4 Imperial Starships vs. Mon Calamari Cruiser Chie198BRAW09.tieAttack on Secret Imperial Base208BIAB01.tieAttack on Rebel Capital Ships218BMEW03.tieISD Conqueror vs. 3 Alliance Frigates228BRAB02.tieAttack on Imperial Shipyard238BMEW02.tieImperial STRKC Ull vs. Alliance DREAD Karei//[Rebel Alliance Operation: Quick Strike]//08B02W07.tieAttack on Imperial Factory Drekker18B02W06.tieAmbush of Rebel Supply Recovery from Obran Cluster28B02W11.tieAttack on Tortali Platform38B02W05.tieAmbush Arms Smugglers near Ytha'ac Cluster48B03B02.tieInterdiction of Starfighter Deployment58B03B04.TIEAttack on Rebel Convoy near Athega68B03B03.TIERescue from Imperial Prison Ship Dargon78B02W09.tieHit and Fade on Elliirad Platform//[imperial Operation: Clean Sweep]//88B02W15.tieDreadnaught Warlover Attacks Rebel Cargo Operation98B02W03.tieRaid on Goibniu Platform108B02W08.tieRaid on Rebel Factory Koensayr 42118B02W14.tieAttack on Imperial-class Star Destroyer Tormentor128B02W12.tieAmbush of Rebel Leader at Airam Platform138B02W04.tieRaid Imperial Convoy near Atterol148B01G01.tieFrigate Duel - Malevolent vs. Endeavor158B03B01.tieAttack on Victory-class Star Destroyer Formidable// You'll notice, that for some reason, the Balance of Power missions are out of sequence. They work just fine, but I believe that's because the other 2 are from XvT, and are stored "elsewhere". Don't worry about that for now. The original missions all work, so lets leave that alone. You'll also notice the "page breaks" , indicated by the double back-slash (//). That's also very important, as it tells the game engine where things start and stop Speaking of numbering sequences ... the mission.lst will ALWAYS have them in order (so to speak). Every mission set, Rebel (including New Republic), Imperial (including Imperial Remanent), or "Independent" , will follow the numerical sequence. It's ok to have breaks; you may have a set that runs 300-349, and the next set of numbers is 451-474. That's ok! The only thing that matters is that they remain in sequence. The converted sets I'll be uploading will contain the missions list, with the instructions to "copy/paste into the *** and mission.lst (*** for either Rebel or Imperial) So, now you've got a mission set, and you want to install it. Still using the htod set, after unzipping it, move, copy/paste, ship by various Freighters (FRT, MTRNS, CARG, etc) the /htod folder INTO the .../BalanceOfPower/Combat folder If the image is showing, you can see that I've already done the most important thing first -- BACKED UP THE ORIGINAL IMPERIAL.LST, MISSION.LST AND REBEL.LST !!!!! (If the image is not showing, look down below) You MUST do that first, before beginning to edit !!any!! of the lst files. I can't stress that enough!. They are the only copies available, and if you mess up, can easily restore to stock and start over. So, now we're ready to add the new mission's listings... Supplied with ALL addon mission sets (if the author is polite!) is an ***.lst file with the listings Again, for example, we'll use the htod set. This listing will be found in the readme for that mission set (do NOT use the htod.lst; that's for Campaigns!! A whole different can of Sarlaccs) //[Headhunter Tour of Duty]//109htod\Htod01.tieCapture Spare Parts110htod\Htod02.tieCapture Military Convoy111htod\Htod03.tieAttack on Supply Convoy112htod\Htod04.tieAmbush at Credine113htod\Htod05.tieDestroy Imperial Supply Convoy114htod\Htod06.tieFleet Engagement!115htod\Htod07.tieDestroy Training Center116htod\Htod08.tieRecon Mission117htod\Htod09.tieA Day in the Life118htod\Htod10.tieGuard Duty119htod\Htod11.tieStrike Home Part 1120htod\Htod11a.tieStrike Home Part1a121htod\Htod12.tieStrike Home Part 2// It should be noted at this time, all the numbering sequences for the mission sets I'll be uploading are arbitrary; simply chosen as a convenient way, by me, too keep track of things. Now that we've got the new set's list, you copy the text, incuding the 2 sets of backslashes (//), and paste it into BOTH the mission.lst and (in this case) Rebel.lst. If a set of backslashes already exists at the end of the previous listing, just paste over them. As long as those separators remain intact. So, it should look like this (rebel.lst, with htod missions) 8B03B01.tieAttack on Victory-class Star Destroyer Formidable//[Rebel Operaion: Headhunter Tour of Duty]//109htod\Htod01.tieCapture Spare Parts110htod\Htod02.tieCapture Military Convoy111htod\Htod03.tieAttack on Supply Convoy112htod\Htod04.tieAmbush at Credine113htod\Htod05.tieDestroy Imperial Supply Convoy114htod\Htod06.tieFleet Engagement!115htod\Htod07.tieDestroy Training Center116htod\Htod08.tieRecon Mission117htod\Htod09.tieA Day in the Life118htod\Htod10.tieGuard Duty119htod\Htod11.tieStrike Home Part 1120htod\Htod11a.tieStrike Home Part1a121htod\Htod12.tieStrike Home Part 2//[TOD 1: A New Ally]// You'll note that I'm showing the last and next sets of missions header statements. You can see how the slashes separate them. Now you can "save" and close the Rebel.lst. Do the same procedure for the Mission.lst, and save it as well. (don't forget to have backed up the original lsts first!!!!) I hope I've made this understandable enough for New Players. If not, feel free to post in the main Star Wars forum below (the "Does everyone know how to add missions" thread), or drop me a PM. Fly High and Shoot Straight!! wrench Kevin Stein 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites