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Problem with gbu bomb..

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I fly with F-15 and loaded 2 12-GBU laser-guided bomb's.
First time I saw tank, so press Shift-E for nearest target, I see red and a yellow diamond, 2 orange lights turn on and I shoot, hit!

Second time I pick radar to ground, 50nm, then select air to ground and the gbu, have a yellow and red on target, but no lights, and cant shoot.. why ? 


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because at 50nm, you 45nm out of range

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because at 50nm, you 45nm out of range


Isnt to 50nm in the radar show the range of search ?

So if I stand 5nm from the target I should move my radar to 5nm to launch?

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there is no radar ground locking of targets in the SF series. It's usually IIR or laser designated (again, around 5nm). Not going to get into the 'GPS homing' and others, which are (also kind of, sort of) "fake worked around".


and radar in search mode is very different from radar in "track while scan" and "single target track", which are only air-to-air modes in game.

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there is no radar ground locking of targets in the SF series. It's usually IIR or laser designated (again, around 5nm). Not going to get into the 'GPS homing' and others, which are (also kind of, sort of) "fake worked around".


I wanted to ask, and since this is relevant... how, exactly, do you perform SEAD with HARMs?


I play the Operation Darius mod and SEAD missions are some of my favourite to play, but launching the HARM towards the emitter does nothing (the missile does not auto-lock to the radar). The only thing I have found works 100% of the time is targeting the radars visually, but if that was the way to kill them I wouldn´t bother taking HARMs in the first place when I can take other missiles that are more plentiful. And you said you cannot designate ground targets with radar, so...


I am aware that Operation Darius may use a different HARM mechanic to the original game and the other mods, but still... I would appreciate any help with this.

Edited by Saavedra

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