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ground crew (question for Dante)

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Hello Dante,


In the past I really missed something like this in flight sims:




For the feeling/experience of truly completing a mission, for me, this is essential. To see aircraft lined up with this kind of vehicles surrounding it. And when you taxi to hangar, these vehicles are placed around your aircraft in the end as well (with characters like in Commanche 4?)


I've seen you've done some characters, but they where not skinned yet weren't they?




P.S. This and This are very "inspirational" sites. I tried once to model one of these vehicles but unfortunately :tomato: ...I did never succeed ;)

Edited by Aerny

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I agree that would immerse me completly into the sim and I've never been in a sim with it and it would be a nifty feature to have.



You say that you've seen in in Commanche 4 well don't forget that C4 was made by Nova with presumably a larger team than that working on JT and again presumably with a larger budget than that of the developers of JT.


Keep up the good work guys!

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Hey Eagle,


That is right, and I know about NOVALOGIC. Just an example. I agree it is awsome what is happening here




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Thats good man was just checking, and its great how Thunder Works are paying attention to use in the forum, thanks a lot guys for doing it like you are :clapping:

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I agree, ground crew and their equipment scattered around is important, we'll have it for the aircraft carrier decks and as well for the conventional airbases. A little 'copter sim called "Vietnam-Medevac" from few years ago got this in the right direction with a bunch of generic 3d characters walking around the bases and it was very low-budget/small team-sized and all, unlike Novalogic's Comanche 4.

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