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Don't know if i'm in the right topic...


Have some sort of problem wih an aircraft tonight.. I can't fly the A-1 skyraider anymore (campaign or single mission). I took a look at the A-1H.ini and so on and i have these lines :


AircraftFullName=A-1H Skyraider


I know from a ''clear'' ini i should have :


AircraftFullName=A-1H Skyraider


So, usually and just copy and paste and i'm back in business, except that now it is not working. I copy/paste the lines then save. Get back in the game, aircraft is nowhere.. get back at desktop and have a look at he ini file and... all the added lines are gone...


Anybody have an idea what is wrong there?


The problem only occurs with the A-1H / A-1H_67 / A-1J and A-1J_67...

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In your first version the lack of the CockpitDataFile= line is crucial - without it the aircraft will not be player-flyable.

Your second version looks OK, but you will need to have the stipulated file A1_cockpit.INI in that same folder, plus the required Cockpit sub-folder with all the cockpit files.

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it's a well know fault of the game engine itself.

The A-1, like all the Red Air ™ birds (and all the Zippers, too..), are by default AI controlled ONLY. Every so often, at completely random intervals, the Game Engine ™ will automatically rewrite ALL the main inis of AI-onlys made player flyable.


There are 2 alternatives:


A) Keep a copy of my patent-pending "one click restore" main ini INSIDE the main aircraft folder. Then, just do the "save as..." and it'll return to flyable (or do the copy/paste thing)


B) Add all the lines to make it flyable, making sure any and ALL add-on skins are already added and listed!, as the next step will lock it ...

Right click the ini, ---> Properties ... make "read only".

That will prevent the Game Engine ™ from automatically overwriting it.

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Once again Wrench, i learned something from you :)


I tried the ''B'' plan by copying my inis that i know were okay ( i keep a copy of my AI made flyable aircraft because i hated when the engine compromise my work). But i now added the ''read only'' feature on my files and it is now working back!


Once again, i salute you sir!

Edited by 1977Frenchie

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not a problem! it's always good when someone actually answers the question, not just tells you what you already know, and have done.


in truth, the 'read only' trick is not my discovery; I don't remember if it was Paulo or Ravenclaws!

Works on all the AIs made flyable (all my MiGs, Sus, and 104s are done that way, too

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