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looking for some help

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I'm wondering about the mouse in the cockpit . Is the cockpit panel clickable with the mouse and if so how do you get the mouse to become active? Also does anyone else crash to the desktop with mission editer error? is their a fix?

thanks for any help

Mike (n9291j)

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If you put the latest patch in you lose the mouse in cock pit mode.

But as for crashing with errors I dont know.

How much ram are you running?

Have you tried re-installing the game?


Cheers Pete

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No clickable pit in Lockon....




See above post for getting cockpit mouse viewing working again after patch v1.02


I had probs with crashing when I was running Lockon on my W98 rig. Patching to v1.02 helped some, but pretty much cured once I moved to WinXP during a PC upgrade.


You might get more help if you post over on the UBI help forum, include ya system specs (eg A7N8X mobo, AMD3000, 1GigDDR2700, 9800Pro, WinXP SP1, DirectX9.0c).

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