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I'd pay good money....

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You mean this lifeform associated to the Mammalia class and living in packs of several individuals wandering by row of three/four breadthwise for about ten rows lengthwise?


BTW aren't you "googleisshittoss" in the comment?

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My wife got one with her car, few years ago :

The cyclist was basically unhurt (he wore a helmet), but the bike had a strange shape

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Honestly I clearly see a difference between some cyclists riding their bikes in group of two to four people and who stay in single file or fold when the roads tightens, and wolf packs of over ten subjects, riding their carbon made mounts, pedaling side by side and never folding.

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Shooting's too good for 'em!


...but thanks for sharing!

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My wife got one with her car, few years ago :

The cyclist was basically unhurt (he wore a helmet), but the bike had a strange shape

I was at the receiving end of such back in 93, my luck was not the helmet, as were none those days, but the fact that my pedal was higher on the side I got the hit from than the bumper of the car. I flew across the hood and the bike went partially under. That guy got two (my friend and me) in a single hit even that we had high visibility cloths and cycles and were behind each other not next (I was trailing him). Was not a joyful experience for my dad who took the bikes home from the site (only 2km from our house). They were only told basic information by the ambulance guys so were in the big fog for till the things cleared down in the hospital.

I walked away with few clips and a hole on the side of my right knee, my friend was unconscious for good 15 min and got few places where the skin was scraped of from the slide on the tarmac with a sizeable bump on the back of his head.


The truth is both side "drivers" and "cyclists" have good and bad fellas among them so you can not condemn only one or generalize from one(or two) guy that all of them are such.

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Yes, I was also on the recieving end several times when I was a kid / teenager

But no harm and very limited damages

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Same thing I think when I see those "watch out for motorcycles" stickers. How about telling the bikers to watch out for the cars by not driving where we don't expect them? Why is it cars are supposed to drive predictably but we should anticipate the bikes behaving erratically?


Unless you're in an 18-wheeler, it's generally speaking a Pretty Bad Idea to ride in another vehicle's blind spot for more than about 5 seconds. When you're riding something small it counts triple. Don't do it. I've had people fail to see my Toyota 4 Runner and start to change lanes into me much to my surprise...but of course, they never looked, so it hardly matters if it's a bike or a truck or an airplane.


Everyone thinks it's everyone's responsibility but their own, but the truth is no one is exempt. Sometimes you can't avoid it, but often you can if you just pay attention.

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