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Blindmans Bluff Qued Bombing

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Well now that it's Friday,, and you got an extra day in to play with radar bombing,,, I got something else for you guys to wrap your brains around,,Qued Bombing got the idea from a dissasitified customer,,this is how you do it,,get your favorite ride load up for a strike,, once airbourne hit E for your objective you'll get your little red target square and the information in the right hand bottom corner,, this is a set up for a 10,000ft run,, follow your waypoints in,, get to 10,000ft and hold, use wing lever,, to fine tune course and alt I use the directional arrow keys this takes alittle practice,,,I did this run a couple of times to get zeroed in with radar off.. comeing in on the last leg of the run you want your waypoint marker over top of the the target box to help guided you in,,the imformation box will be counting down the miles once under 10 miles somewhere in there it gives you 10ths of a mile .. ok your alt 10,000ft,, speed 450knts release at 3.7 with a salvo of 12 at 200 millseconds ,,I over shot the first time using radar tables about a half mile releasing at 3 miles,, it seems the imformation box is 3/10s of a mile off than what the radar shows because I checked,, radar indicated 3 miles,, target information box said 3.3 at 10,000ft,,so there is some practice involved,, and some adjustment.

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ok here's an update for you guys that can't do 55 ,,, at 10,000ft 550knts release at 4miles qued,,, 3.6 radar

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just did a viggie mission on that pesky comm building,, came out of supersonic 20 miles out idled down to 550 knts 10,000ft pickled 4miles out,, 20 500lbsers at 200milliseconds the 5th or 6th bomb hit the building the rest was noise,, not to bad I'd say

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new table 20,000ft 550knts=.82mach pickle 6.5miles

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for the best results you need an aircraft with radar altimeter and a true airspeed indicator the F-111 is a good canidate ,,20,000ft at mach .84 pickle at 6.2 miles

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stock campaign to see B-52

   Here is your free fall tables for. 555knts and mach 0.84   nautical miles are modeled in to the radar of your plane statued miles are displayed in your target information box ,and the higher you go the thinner the air so your air speed indicater will not show true speed, you confused yet..you pickle your bombs at indicated distance from target,, best results use radar altimeter 



1000ft =8sec=1.42 statued miles = 1.23nm


5000ft=17sec=3.02 statued miles = 2.62nm


10,000ft=24sec=4.26 statued miles= 3.7nm


20,000ft=35sec=6.2 statued miles = 5.4 nautical miles

Edited by yubba

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