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Between two cockpits ,,




or that



lucky there is a A-5A and a A-5B

Edited by yubba

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I should stop being such a tease


this is the F-5E pit from nato fighters column5 with A-7k avionics,, hud and radar also from nfc5


I don't think I'm getting an accurate speed reading,,bombs all over the place had that RA-5c block testing the Q bombing right on the money but it doesn't like carrier take offs does a back flip in sfp-1 got the a-5a from nfc5 and the a-5b from here
Edited by yubba

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Ok viggies got bombing table for you with new cockpit that doesn't have a true speed indicator,, at 10,000ft 550knts=roughly .8.4 mach=475 indicated on HUD  , this is for Qued bombing ,, don't know what it is go read my thread up in discussion section,,Pickle 4.1 or 4.2 miles

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