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Coastal Range

Hi!! Well, here it goes: This is my firs attempt to creat a terrain. The idea is to
have a "realistic" terrain, with army bases, docks, shipping and truck routes, etc. to practice A2G missions, anti-ship, carrier take off and landing, you name it


I have included many ground objects and 3rd party mods, and I would like to thank the following:


Wrench, for I have borrowed ground objects from his great Libya Terrain (barbed wire, Soviet Freighter, factory building, helicopters, pillbox) and for his airbase goodies.
Stary, for his realistic and gorgeous GermanyCE tiles. They look great!!!
Piecemeal, I borrowed some layouts from his awesome DesertV4 terrain.
Rends, I borrowed some ground objects from his Germany CE terrain.
Krfrge, I took a look at his combat outpost and artillery firebase, and used them as a basis to create some.
Kesselbrut, I have included some ships he has created (trawler, tug)
Rover and Gepard for your terrain building tutorials, they have been very valuable to me!!!
PureBlue for his Airfield Development kit and those who worke to contribute to it: Sundowner: B_Trailer_Mk82, M_trailer, B_TrailerLGB, Y_Tractor, RAF_Cart, B_Duel_Y_Trac, C_Type, RAF_Bunker, TAB_Vee, HAS_M, HAS_E, c_store, Earth Walls, mounds, blast walls and all desert variants of these objects


Amokfloo: ControlTower, ForkLift, FireExtinguisher, ShelterZu
Ravenclaw: Fire Trucks
Stary: str_hangars 1 thru 8
Pureblue: FloodLight, SmallGenerator, ConcreteBlock, SunShelter, HeliPad1N
Polak: tools
Polak and the CFS Midway Group for their object Library 1.
Julhelm for his Factory Buildings.
Sundowner, for his Airfield objects.
Wingwiner for his gas station and control tower.
Mue for his great Target Area Editor, I have used it extensively.
Gerwin for his TFD Tool, very useful, specially for last-minute terrain modifications
Gepard, for his Marxwalde Air Base, included in his 10 new air base mod.
And finally, many many thanks to the CombatAce Community, you guys have always helped me in time of need!
If I there's anyone that was no tincluded and needs to, please let me know!!


You'll need to download the following:












It was tested on a full-merged SF2 install, including SF2 NA. Although it may work on non-NA installs,
it is required for the missions tht I'll upload soon.


I hope you like it!!!




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Cool! More ranges are always nice.

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one thing I'd absolutely suggest, is in the main ini  (Coastal Range.ini), is change







Because everyone should be able to fly there


(or if it's supposed to represent Europe, add the necessary WarPac nations)

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Hi there !

thank you so much for this mod ! The bases are really great, with so many eye-candy things. But I have some strange behaviour ! check out the picture ! img00005.thumb.JPG.854120750fe98d7c52643778dc74a75b.JPG

any clue on how to get rid of that ? Thanks !

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