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Been looking for this one, and dont know if its just such an old topic, and I swear I had this on a Read-Me from a file but cant seem to recall which button or buttons and I've been all over the keyboard.


   1. COCKPITS - I know this is supposed to be "0", but it doesnt seem to be working unless

    I need one of the re-maps or something.


   2. ENGINE Off/On - I know I found this on a Read-me, but I cant seem to remember the combo

    keys exactly. Was like shift+ctrl and I for ignition or something like that. I tested several

    configurations with no luck. Anyone still use that one?


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ctrl+w  rearms your missiles (there is a bug with rocket pods with 32 rockets though)


alt+d switches debug/hud modes

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Well apparently its not mapped in my config. Which is strange since the first time I had used it,(long time ago, had uninstalled

then reinstalled recently,) I didnt have to change anything. Just happen to see a read me file and just started using the buttons

on both canopy and engine. At least what I remember I didnt change anything. Anyone have to add these to the file?

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you have to type in the key mapping .ini yourself. they are unlisted features. 





Debug mode also have to be added in the huddata.ini...



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for manual animations, like the canopy and wing fold, you have to set the keystrokes up in you controls --- got to Options/Controls/customize, and set the animation keys (they're at the bottom)


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