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DCS Update 1 Change Log

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DCS Update 1


Introduced DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM


DCS World
Old style scrollbar in Mission Briefing fixed.
AI aircraft no more get fuel by tanker without contact to tanker.
Multiplayer. Clients without CA will be able to open the players list, if server is CA-player.
Multiplayer. Client will get a loss in scoreboard when he changes slot.
Multiplayer. Mission name was added in MP server interface.
Multiplayer. Fixed setting server event flags.
Signal flare light will be brighter.
Crash when attempting to call Object.destroy() in landing event handler is fixed.
ME. Aerobatic task parameters are corrected.
R550 Magic 2. Increased detection range of standard target from 15 to 20 km (like AIM-9M).
Counter-Countermeasure probability of some IR missiles is slightly increased. Less value - increase immunity (there are complex, nonlinear dependence!):
- Mika T from 1 to 0.2
- R550 Magic 2 from 1 to 0.5
- R-27T from 1 to 0.5
- R-27ET from 1 to 0.5
- R-73 from 1 to 0.5
- AIM-9M from 1 to 0.5
- 9M333 Strela-10 from 1 to 0.5
- 9M39 Igla from 1 to 0.5
- FIM-92C from 1 to 0.5

DCS L-39
ADF frequency dial in rear cockpit will not stuck on some values.
Corrected lights on ADF dials.
SPU commutation fixed.


Flight manual updated.
Added input key commands for accelerometer and fast slaving gyro.
AN/ARN-6 CONT. position is selectable.
Rudder control is adjusted. Aircraft can operate with crosswind.


Flight manual updated.

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