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Stock A-10 SEAD Loadout Error?

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Hi all,


I recently got the urge to fly some A-10 missions with the stock aircraft and was having fun until I decided to try a SEAD mission. The default loadout seems to have an error where the CBU-24B's are on loaded on pylons that aren't cleared to carry the CBU-24B. I never noticed this before and was wondering if this is "normal" or if I had messed up with my install. I have it patched to the latest version (Jul 2013) and a hotfix patch installed from here.  I've attached an image of what I'm seeing in the loadout screen. 





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well, as the CBU is a bomb, it's loadable to any pylon with the "BOMB" in it's attachment type

I wouldn't worry about it

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Well, after looking at the A-10's data file, it seems like the reason the default loadout isn't working is because TK limited the max weight to 380 and thus preventing the CBU-24's from showing up. It seems that the A-10 didn't carry CBU's under those stations in reality anyways and the problem I'm having is more of the weapons being assigned to the wrong station. 


Not sure if it's just me though since I don't recall having this problem before... can anyone tell me if they're experiencing the same thing before I reinstall everything again? If you guys aren't, I will probably reinstall the whole nine yards after removing everything to make sure it works properly.  



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Well, I installed SF2:E on another computer just now which is patched to September 2011 and it's still showing the same error. What I'll do is just create a loadout.ini file and correct the error. Thanks Wrench for putting my mind to ease about this.

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why not just extract the data and loadout inis from the cat, put them in the Hawgs folder, and edit from there??


no need to triple the workload by re-creating mods folders when simple ini edits will fix the problem

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