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OT- Miniatures wargaming pictures (air combat )

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Been busy at work and taking some time off of simming. Played a game called hunters this afternoon, while the game is off topic , the subject matter we played probably is not. We recreated April 24 1967 strike on Kep airfield (loosely, the painted aircraft are from the 161 Chargers Midway, which is more appropriate for 1972). The game is free to download and the miniatures have to be purchased and painted.


The game turned out a US victory, one F-4B was lost to a MIG-17 and 2 MIG-17s as well as a MIG-21 were brought down. kep airfield was hit pretty hard.


The 10 sided die denotes altitude in increments of 1000 feet (ceiling was 10, it was on the last 7 mile approach to the field) , the 20 sided die speed.


MIG-17s on Intercept



An overall look at the game table



Two Sidewinders fired from an off camera F-4B tracking a MIG-21 (they impacted shortly after, the MIG-21 got off 2 Atolls but both missed the A-4)




MIG-17 gets off a quick defelction shot (misses)




Navy to the rescue



A piece of terrain (an airfield, created by using screenshot fucntion in WOV, then printing and cutting out)


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