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150 download available

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At the moment every installation is a beta, but the one that is now available is the one I have been using in my recent 150 screenshots.

The 150 download page:

If you want to install it:

1. Download the "UAW150V3.exe" which is a 7-zip self installer and run it.
This will create a "UAW150V3" folder.

2. Download the "AircraftLibrary.exe" 7-zip and move it into the "UAW150V3" folder.
When you run it your installation will be complete and your "UAW150V3" folder should look like this:


3. Run the "PSMV12.exe" to bring up the GUI......


..... make your selections and launch EAW.

As far as I know the only problem you might encounter at this stage is a runtime error CTD due to a missing OCX file when you try to run the "PSMV12.exe".
If this occurs download and run the "VisualBasi6 Runtimes.exe to install the runtime files.

The current state of progress:

1. Ray is still modifying a few loadout files, and possibly some weapons files, and when he has finished there will be a small patch.
2. More aircraft folders will be added to the "Aircraft_Inventory", and patches will be released so that you can add them.
3. More ready built planesets will be made available via patches.


Here is the link to the 150 download page

https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=82D5533B34C75A54!9628&authkey=!ADyssu9VMuvF_yo&ithint=folder%2cexe Jel


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