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Please help me get the A-6 working

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I gave up on trying to get it working when I upgraded to SF2, In fact when I last visited here I made the same request a few years ago now, I'm just not skilled enough to get it working and I don't want to screw it up.


I need your help! Please help me get the A-6 Intruder. For the life of me I do not know what I did or didn't do.


Perhaps we could organize a Skype meeting where we can share screens and diagnose it. 


I have the razbam A-6 from SF1, so I have the pit. Just need some hand holding to get it working, been away so long I have no idea how it works anymore.


Please for a true lover of the A-6 Intruder, help me out. I will mail any US member a six pack of some local craft beer that helps me get the A-6 flying again! <S>

Thank you! 



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a little,little, advice. typos kill

Edited by xrearl

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I followed these instructions... A-6 does not show up in list of aircraft in Create Mission.


Primary Components
There are three primary components of the Superpack , separated by which SF2 game is required for its use. Additionally, the 16x10 Loadscreens are for widescreen users, and should be installed last. In each folder is nested the standard SF2 mod folder architecture (e.g. Objects, Sounds, Campaigns). Copy the contents of these folders to your SF2 “Mod” folder (e.g. c:\users\<username>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2 <xxx>) in the order listed:
1. 1_Common Files for all users
This includes decals, weapons, and an updated SQUADRONLIST.INI. Copy the contents of this folder first.
2. 2_for SF2V users
This includes the A-6A and A-6B. Copy the contents of this folder if you have SF2 Vietnam installed, as it requires the 3W A-6A LOD.
3. 3_for SF2NA users
This includes the A-6E, A-6E_79, and A-6E_90. Copy the contents of this folder if you have SF2 North Atlantic installed, as it requires the 3W A-6E and A-6E_79 LODs. This now includes Wrench’s skinpack by default (was an optional component pre 1.5).

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does it say anything, anywhere about "you have to find and/or supply your own cockpit"??? or is the cockpit, cockpit ini, avionics ini and adjustement to each aircraft main ini included?


I'm not going to download, unzip and examine something I don't need (as all mine work, and always have) just to find that out. It should have just been a drag and drop, with all necessary parts provided (yes, including the 3w A-6A cockpit and all it parts.)

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I have the Razbam pit. I also have the ability to get the WOV A-6 Pit as I own the game as well, I would just have to extract the pit.

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I feel bad about this, but I think I just need someone to screen share me on skype and walk me through it.


I used to have this game all modded out, then I upgraded to Win7 a few years ago and lost all that stuff. If I could have 1 mod and only 1 it would be this A-6 Superpack to fly the Intruder.

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So, right at the top of the download page, you have this note:  This mod has been tested with Strike Fighters 2 Full 5 merged install; it should work with individual installations of SF2V and/or SF2NA. Cockpits (not included) required in order to make the A-6 flyable.


As such, you'll need to drop either your Razbam or WOV cockpit into each A-6's folder, and add the cockpit line to each A-6's base .ini file (e.g. A-6A.ini)


AircraftFullName=A-6A Intruder
//CockpitDataFile=A-6A_COCKPIT.ini <- Remove the comment marks
Your TW A-6 should have the cockpit.ini file which you'll also need to drop into each A-6 folder, or again, use your Razbam one.
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Thank you! I'm on the way! Just got the A-6A and B working in SF2V! Awesome! 

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Ok. Looks like I have all the A-6's working and flying BUT! 


The cockpits for the A-6B, A-6E, A-6E79 and A-6E90 are all black... Trying to decipher what I did wrong here.


A-6A is working fine.

Disregard! I've got her now!


Thanks for helping me out, just need some more encouragement ;)

Edited by Nefarious

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