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limited nation list issue

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I play into vanilla WOI map. I have an add-on plane, MIRAGE 2000 (enlisted as France nation) type and I can make antiship sorties with it. I downloaded the Harrier FRS1 which is enlisted to RoyalNavy, but I can't find any ships when approaching the area where targets were supposed to be. I looked into Limited nation list (in IsraelME_nation ini file) and there is just israel as friendly nation. My questions are these:


- why can I make antiship missions (ship targets appear when approaching the area as it should) with a French aircraft and I cannot with a English one (they are marked as friendly both in nation.ini file, in flight folder) ??

- What should I do/modify in order to make antiship missons with the english (royalnavy) aircraft as well?


Thank you in advance.


PS - in case you are already wondering, I have activated the antiship mission type for the English plane and  the antiship missiles appear loaded in lodout menu.

Edited by UllyB

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I solved the issue, sort of speak. It seems that game's engine  has a "build-in" timer so the target is expected to show up at a specific time taking into account the longest route (autopilot waypoints and a lower speed). Long story short, if you just rush up to the waypoint 5 with max speed you won't see them , because you are too early to see them in that spot, where they were suppose to be. lol Well in a way it makes sense, in real life a ship is on the move in open sea.

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