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SF2 DLC28 MirageE2 Egypt Late Camo

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SF2 DLC28 MirageE2 Egypt Late Camo

This is, as the name says, EAF Mirage from late eighties, represents the latest camouflage scheme.
Anyone who does not understand, there is no need to download.
It is all of the additional information, thank you for your understanding, cheers.




I thank on this occasion to ludo.m54 for wonderfully templates http://combatace.com/files/file/13121-mirage-5-templates/
Basically, the original skin is from TW EAF camo 2!
Camouflage scheme, select the colors and complete inspiration, my ideas and my work, thank you denissoliveira for reminding me,
I thank you also for, excellent extra pylons an pod's, I added them to this variant, shown in the photos.


Requires DLC 28 pack!


I hope you enjoy, good hunting!


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