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More skins??

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Hi guys,

what's happened to the IL2 skin files? At one stage we were recieving files on a regular basis, but it seems to have gone off the boil.

Do we need to get around the other forums and remind all pilots and skinners that combatace is still alive and kicking?? Or maybe we are just busy trying to find skins on other sites, (cos that is what I've had to do myself).

I just don't have the time or the skill to knock up my own skins unfortunately or I'd be uploading a shed load myself!! :victory:

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I see what you mean mate perhaps everybodys too busy now patch 4.01 has arrived.I had a go at making a skin it was absolutley s**te.I think i'll leave it to the pro's havn't seen any of Buglords work or heard of him recently hope he's fit & well.


All the best Pete :grin:

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