MigBuster 2,891 Posted December 15, 2017 DCS World 2.2 Now Available Version 2.2 of DCS World released! The primary features of this update are the addition of the AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL and the P-51D Mustang: Charnwood Campaign to DCS World 2. You can find the complete change log here. P-51D Mustang: Charnwood Campaign Available Created by the same team behind the Spitfire LF Mk.IX: Epsom Campaign, the Charnwood Campaign is a historically-based campaign for the P-51D Mustang over Normandy in July 1944. The Charnwood campaign reproduces P-51D missions flown in support of the allied breakout of Normandy and the eventual capture of Caen. Given the Mustang's combination of air-to-air and air-to-ground capabilities (bombs and rockets), this campaign offers a wealth of mission types and challenges. Each mission is based on real missions, down to the weather, mission times, squadrons, mission tasks, and allied and axis locations. Key Features: 12 historic missions taken from detailed accounts of Operation Charnwood Detailed briefing and briefing images, including separate PDF mission files Unique kneeboard graphics for each mission Hundreds of specially recorded voice-over messages to recreate the actual callsigns and accents A wide array of missions included armed reconnaissance, rail interdiction, and ground attack Takes advantage of new AI features like Flak avoidance, authentic formations, and improve artificial intelligence for air and ground units See in the Campaign section of the DCS e-shop. DCS: AV-8B Night Attack Update Last week, we and RAZBAM released DCS: AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL with a great reception! We are all ecstatic about the overwhelming positive response! We and RAZBAM released a "hot fix" shortly after release that addressed a few pressing bugs. In the coming weeks and months, we and RAZBAM will be working hard to bring the AV-8B out of Early Access and on to Steam. DCS: AV-8B Night Attack S/VTOL Web Page Purchase from DCS E-Shop Video: DCS: AV-8B N/A VTOL - Pre-purchase Trailer Here are some of our favorite AV-8B fan videos over the past few days: DCS - Razbam AV-8B NA Harrier II DCS World - AV8B By Razbam DCS - Harrier Night Attack // NAVFLIR, AGM-122 & IR Maverick DCS World - Harrier LHD Landing DCS World - AV-8B N/A II Harrier - Early Access - Startup/Taxi/STOL/VTOL/Eject Thanks to all the Youtubers for supporting us! Mi-8MTV2: Oilfield Campaign Available on Steam The Mi-8MTV2: Oilfield Campaign is now available on Steam! This great campaign requires the DCS: Mi-8MTV2. Life in civil aviation is far removed from dangers of military conflict. Instead, it's based on strict time tables and lunch breaks. Meet a group of old friends: captain Jury Maksimovich Protasov and his Mi-8MTV2 crew. After the events of the "Spring Tension" conflict, they are again in business together. However, this time they are gainfully employed as cargo transportation contractors, serving the interests of the oil industry. Rather than combat, this campaign will test your knowledge of the Mi-8MTV2 navigation suite in order to locate oil derricks scattered over the forests. Challenge yourself as a cargo pilot and never have to worry about being shot at again! Features: Based on a real-life helicopter pilot missions 16 full-scale missions Various cargos and mission task situations Landing in a different locations and weather conditions Over 350 scripted radio messages Voice overs for helicopter startup procedures Briefing with flight chart maps Flight charts are included pilot's kneeboard English and Russian localization - voice overs and subtitles DCS World Steam Store Sincerely, The Eagle Dynamics Team DCS World 1.5.8 Hot Fix 2 This week we released a new update for 1.5.8 that addresses some pressing issues such as: Multiple AV-8Bs can operate form the Tarawa Multiple Tarawa-class ships can be included in a ship grouping Weapon-related crash for Combined Arms has been fixed Rearm and Refuel menu error corrected for Multiplayer You can read the complete list of changes on the DCS forum Su-33 for DCS World Released on Steam Available on the DCS World Steam Store page The Su-33 has been the backbone of Russian aircraft carrier aviation since the late 1990s and is an all-weather fighter capable of engaging both air and surface targets. Based on the powerful Su-27 "Flanker", the Su-33 is a navalized version suited for operations aboard the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier. Changes to the Su-33 include strengthened landing gear, folding wings, more powerful engines, and the very visible canards. The Su-33 is equipped with a powerful pulse doppler radar and an Infrared Search and Track (IRST) for engaging aerial targets with a wide range of radar- and infrared-guided missiles and its internal cannon. For air-to-surface attack, the Su-33 can be armed with many types of unguided bombs, rockets, and cluster munitions. Despite its large size, the Su-33 is very capable in a dogfight when combined with its integral helmet-mounted sight and off-boresight missiles. Key Features: Professional Flight Model (PFM). Virtual Reality supported. Highly accurate and detailed external model and cockpit. Wide range of air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons, including internal cannon. Modeling of electronic countermeasures and radar warning receiver. Realistic modeling of carrier landing approach system. Detailed and accurate simulation of the wing control surfaces that include the leading and trailing edge flaps and the differential ailerons. In addition to the conventional differential stabilizers, canard behavior has also been improved for more realistic behavior. The Flight Control System (FCS) will automatically reconfigure itself depending on the flight mode. Includes the wing-fold mechanism, reinforced landing gear struts, and the inclusion of high-gain nose wheel steering for use on crowded carrier decks. Correct physics for the arrestor wire and its' interaction with the aircraft. The engines have a "special mode" that adds up to 12,800 kg of thrust (instead of the normal 12,500 kg of thrust). This mode also includes realistic operating time restrictions. Includes a special FCS mode used when aerial refueling. When in this mode and the control stick is released, the aircraft will automatically maintain level flight. This FCS mode allows fine-control and thus making it easier to make contact with the tanker within a pitch range of plus or minus 5 degrees and of a roll angle of plus or minus 10 degrees. The Auto-Thrust Control (ATC) is used for automatic speed holding and can be fine-tuned with a set speed switch. This can be useful with landing on the carrier. Inclusion of the automatic collision avoidance system ("Uvod" mode) that allows safe nap-of-the-earth flying. Note: This is the exact same Su-33 that comes with DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3. As part of the DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3 series, the cockpit is non-mouse interactive. Happy holidays, The Eagle Dynamics Team 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites