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I have a weird request for you guys

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I am a fan of racing sims as well as combat flight sims and about 2 years ago (?) I bought the deluxe edition of Fornza Horizon 3. I found out when setting up the game controller wise I couldn't map my saitek evo stick as my controller for the axis like accelerator/brake and steering like I always did in the past with racing sims. Boy was I ever pissed. Add the fact I couldn't get a refund. Maybe it was the fact it was the hybird version of the game where you can play it on the XBOX and the PC. Who knows why I couldn't map my stick axis on it. ANYWAY... my request is this. For the members on CA that have the new Crew 2 game, could you guys see if you can map your stick's axis for accelerating/braking and steering? Pretty please? LOL. but seriously I want to avoid doing the same mistake like I did with Fornza Horizon 3.

Thanks in advance,


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