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OK, I had a few minutes to look around, read some stuff (just about enough to confuse the whole situation probably...) and now I have more questions.


First off; skins, mods and such. I've found stuff that is marked for both SFP1 and WoV, I've found stuff labeled for SFP1 (only?) and stuff marked for WoV. Prime example of the confusion is the weapons packs. They don't say what *version* they are for, and some don't even have a read me attached. What is a rule of thumb for knowing what goes to what?


Second; the Aug version of the weapons pack is supposed to be the newest *all encompassing* weapons pack, correct? I opened the wrong weapons pack while going through the 50 bazillionmegagigs of "stuff" I've downloaded and discovered two extra folders for sounds and effects NOT included in the Aug weapons pack, only in the July pack. ???


I guess I'll tackle the issues as I run across them, but at this rate I'll be flying sometime in 2009........

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Install the July weps pack. Put the sounds in your SF/Sounds folder and the effects in your SF/Effects folder. Then install the Aug weps pack. Then you will be fine. To my knowledge the weps pack work in WOV and SF. I installed the same packs in both and so far no issues. I am going to be on leave next week maybe we can get online with a chat program (We all use ICQ) and I can walk you through some stuff.

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Install the July weps pack. Put the sounds in your SF/Sounds folder and the effects in your SF/Effects folder. Then install the Aug weps pack. Then you will be fine. To my knowledge the weps pack work in WOV and SF. I installed the same packs in both and so far no issues. I am boing to be on leave next week maybe we can get online with a chat program (We all use ICQ) and I can walk you through some stuff.


Cool. I'll have to look into a new IM system... haven't got one since I went DSL. I'm not leave this week, but I am doing the comp time thing from just getting home. Ah... the desert, so lovely this time of year.......


Anyway, I'm rooting around... reading, trying to learn (ya know, the whole 'old dog' thing) and generally NOT trying to just run off and start installing stuff I know nothing about.

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Let me know when you get ICQ. If you look at my profile then you will find my ICQ number.

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