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I am very pleased with the Korean_Air_War_Mod and sincerely thank all those involved in building it. I believe I have correctly installed it in a fresh (patched to 3.2) version of SFP1 per the instructions. Most of the time I have no problems, all works as one would wish. However, approximately 1 out of every 5 missions (it can be either a campaign or single mission) I get either a black screen freeze when I end the mission (hit ESC) or I'll get a complete freeze during the mission itself. In either case I have to re-boot.


If someone has seen something similar, please let me know and thanks very much in advance.


BTW, I'm a former USMC fighter pilot and I just love the fact that I get to "fly" again. This is as close as it gets unless you are lucky enough to beg a few hours in an F/A-18 dome simulator (you really need to know someone to make that happen these days!)


Thanks again and cheers,



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Wags I wish I could help but havet had that kind of problem with the mod at all. Try over at the SimHq SF/WOV forum and ask for Edward. Maybe he can help.


What did you fly in the Marine Corp? We can always use a former pilot for testing aircraft. If you are interested please PM here at Combatace. There are tons of perks in being a testers for our planes. Semper Fi!

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