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Harpoon3 DB2000 6.5.27 is now available

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Version 6.5.27 of the DB2000 database for Harpoon 3 has been released. Get it at the HarpoonHQ:





Features include:


- New units: 39 aircraft, 37 ships, 10 submarines, 10 facilities and 38 weapons.


- Tons of mods and improvements: China, Korea, Netherlands, India, Portugal, and Norway updates, Indian Navy Barak installations, Litening II ER/AT on USMC Hornets from 2003/2006, RBS-15 missile mods, USN torpedo versions, USCG units updated, RAF weapon options, JSF updates, ERGM mods, Tp 61/612/613/617 mods, plus a whole lot of other stuff I don?t remember right now :D


- Various new features for the two upcoming 'Assault on the Kola Peninsula' scenarios, such as SS-18 Satan ICBMs used in anti-shipping role(!!) and smarter SA-2/3/5 sites to defeat SEAD efforts. The first scenario is already available on the HarpoonHQ?s Scenario Testing Ground and Part II will be posted shortly:





Please make sure to also check out the other databases on the HHQ:


World War II scenarios:



1950-1964 scenarios:



1965-1979 scenarios:




The Harpoon HeadQuarters : By the Players, For the Players

Edited by emsoy

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