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Sopwith Triplane - Dual Gun

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Sopwith Triplane - Dual Gun

The Sopwith Triplane, also known as the "Tripe" or "Tripehound," was introduced at the end of 1916. By mid 1917, several British and French naval squadrons were equipped with the plane. The narrow chord of the three staggered wings gave the pilot an excellent field of view and gave the plane an exceptional rate of climb as well as outstanding agility. The Triplane was considered an exceptional fighter and stayed in service until replaced by the Sopwith Camel in late 1917. Captured Sopwith Triplanes inspired the development of the more famous Fokker Dr.1.

My model of the Sopwith Triplane has the smaller tail assembly introduced early in 1917. Earlier planes had a larger tail plane nearly identical to the tail of the Sopwith Pup. Most Triplanes were equipped with a single Vickers machine gun mounted on the fuselage. A small number of Sopwith Triplanes had two guns. This is the two gun version.

My Sopwith Triplane has a skin, with appropriate decals, for the "Black Flight" of the RNAS 10 squadron. Note - these skins are NOT interchangeable with the skins for my other Sopwith Triplanes. 

A fully functional cockpit is included, along with my skinning templates. I have included a sound file for the Clerget 130 hp engine, but you may already have it.

Although he's very busy these days, Ojcar found the time to make the FM for this plane. My thanks to him.

The sound file included with this plane came with Sinbad's series of Sopwith Strutters, so you may already have it. I included it with this download in case you don't.

Historical Note
The Black Flight had five planes, each with its name painted at the cockpit. I have added 15 fictitious names in order to complete the decal set.

Installation Instructions
For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SopwithTripe2Gun" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.

My Triplane uses the sound file that came with Sinbad's series of Strutters, so you may already have it. If you don't, copy the file named "RotaryEngineClerget130" from my Sounds folder into your FirstEagles/Sounds folder.

For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SopwithTripe2Gun" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create new folder named "SopwithTripe2Gun". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/SopwithTripe2Gun folder into the Decals/SopwithTripe2Gun folder you just made.

My Triplane uses the sound file that came with Sinbad's series of Strutters, so you may already have it. If you don't, copy the file named "RotaryEngineClerget130" from my Sounds folder into your FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


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