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Getting add-on aircraft to work

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I'm having some trouble getting some add-on aircraft to work, specifically the B52G from combatace. I've unzipped the files to the aircraft directory but no joy, only ctd's. Also, some aircraft just don't show up on the aircraft list in single missions. I need the buff for the rolling thunder campaign.





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I'm having some trouble getting some add-on aircraft to work, specifically the B52G from combatace. I've unzipped the files to the aircraft directory but no joy, only ctd's. Also, some aircraft just don't show up on the aircraft list in single missions. I need the buff for the rolling thunder campaign.






Aircraft that show but do not work or cause CTDs generally do so because they are missing critical components that must be present for their operation. A prime example is someone trying to install and run the F-104C in WoV or SFG without the F-104G being present (The C-model requires cockpit files from the G). Sometimes, its also a matter of installing the latest weapons pack, first.


Another common error is the "folder within a folder". That's where the download folder (.zip file) contains a folder that's named the same as the aircraft, which in turn contains a sub-folder that's intended to be the actual aircraft folder. The unsuspecting SF/WoV newbie then installs this folder, not realizing that the folder contained within is what the game engine needs to read.


In simple terms, a folder named 'B-52G" cannot contain a sub-folder also named "B-52G". Otherwise, the files within that folder will not read by the game engine.

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Thanks again Fubar,


I've encoutered that "folder within a folder" problem before. I usually avoid it by extracting files to a seperate folder then copying them manually. I've gone over the B52G component by component and there doesen't seem to be anything missing and said components seem to correspond to one in add-on aircraft that do work.

More fiddling required I guess.



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Well, perhaps we can try going over this issue aircraft by aircraft.


I've just downloaded and installed the B-52G from our site (CombatAce, of course!), and had it work properly, right off the bat. The cockpit is crude (it was wpnssgt's first attempt at modeling, AFAIK), but everything still worked as it should.

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I've loaded the B-52G in an already fairly modified game. I'm wondering if some of the effects/sound/weapons mods are causing any conflict. I'll try loading the buff into a clean install and see how it goes, otherwise I'll try to post details of the installation here for troubleshooting.


By the way my game is patched to 3.2



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Hi Fubar,


I copied the B-52G files to a "clean" install (no campaigns, weapons packs, effects, sounds, etc, just a bunch of add-on aircraft which work). The buff works in single player now although the wingmen aircraft movement is very jittery, something also encountered with the flyable TU-16.


Anyway, something in my modded version of SFP1 must be conflicting with it, causing the ctd's. Perhaps I need to have a seperate install for each campaign instead of having a mega-game. Time to get a bigger hard drive!


Thanks again for all the help.



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