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Hi all, I searched around and can't find anything about this issue I'm having. If I run SFP1 or WoV then exit it then start it again my windows mouse cursor gets stuck in the center of the screen. The ingame cursor still works fine but there's my windows cursor, right there centered in the screen driving me nuts. Only cure right now is a reboot, anyone else have this problem or know of a fix?



AMD 64 3200

1.5 GB RAM

BFG 6800 GT/OC 81.85 Drivers

Soundblaster Audigy Gamer

Windows 2k Pro



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is it a still cursor? or animated? If it's animated that might be the problem, I had that when i use to run JF-18.

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is it a still cursor? or animated? If it's animated that might be the problem, I had that when i use to run JF-18.


No, it's the plain old window cursor. I just figured out I can get rid of it if I alt+tab out of the 3d world (alt+tabing in menu screens doesn't get rid of it) but then I get strange behaivor like my start button and clock flashing onto the screen occasionaly.

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